When Is It Time To See A Doctor

When Is It Time To See A Doctor?

There is research which indicates that almost 15 percent of America’s adult population suffers from mild to severe migraines. This also means that literally millions of people in the country find themselves dealing with migraines every single day. We at Radar Medical are the best neurology clinic in Las Vegas and provide superior treatment for a variety of neurological disorders including migraine.

Dr. Russell Shah, is one of the most sought-after Las Vegas neurologists who has very strong diagnostic skills and vast experience treating conditions like migraines. During the course of his career, he has noticed that many people aren’t aware that they actually suffer from this condition.

Headache VS Migraine

Most are under the impression that they have a stress headache or just a common headache and attempt to alleviate the pain with OTC medications. But these prove to be ineffective and the severe head pain continues unabated.

Here are some useful facts that will help you determine whether those severe headaches you suffer from are actually migraines. And if they are, this information will also help you understand when it is time to see a doctor for migraine treatment at Radar Medical, the best Las Vegas neurology clinic

Migraine Facts

  • Migraine is a very common neurological disease, affecting women, men, and kids throughout the United States.
  • Its the 3rd most common illness in the world and is the world’s 6th most disabling condition.
  • 85% of chronic migraine sufferers are women.
  • One in four households in the U.S has at least one family member with migraines.
  • Migraines are more common in those in the 25-55 years age range.
  • The condition can be hereditary. About 90% of people suffering from migraine have a family history of it.
  • In America, someone goes to the Emergency Room complaining of severe headaches, every 10 seconds.
  • Approximately 1.2M of Emergency Room visits are due to severe and debilitating migraine attacks.
  • 90% of individuals who suffer from migraines can’t work normally when they get an attack.

A Note About Migraines

Migraine isn’t just a headache. It has neurological origins and also displays incapacitating neurological symptoms. This disease takes a chronic form in most people and needs the specialized attention and treatment that the best neurologist in Las Vegas, like Dr. Russell Shah can provide.

Some Common Symptoms Of Migraine

  • Weakness, dizziness
  • Falling or sudden loss of balance
  • Tingling or numbness
  • Inability to move your body
  • Blind spots, double vision, or blurry vision
  • Confusion, trouble with speech, seizures
  • Inappropriate behavior or personality changes
  • A rash or stiff neck
  • Headache pain that causes loss of sleep at night
  • Fever and shortness of breath
  • Vomiting and severe nausea

Other signs that you might have migraine include:

  • A new kind of headache that surfaces for the first time after 55 years of age.
  • Headaches triggered by bending, coughing, sexual activity, or any form of intense physical activity.
  • You have a history of regular headaches but have recently noticed a change in the pattern of attacks or your symptoms

When Is It Time to See a Doctor For Your Migraine?

While migraine symptoms don’t always require urgent care, it’s important that you see your Neurologist in Las Vegas, NV if you:

  • Suffer from headaches that aggravate and won’t go away
  • Have three/more headaches each week
  • Need to take some pain relievers every single day
  • Require more than two2-3 doses of OTC medications each week to feel better
  • Suffer from headaches which impact your work, social and family life

Questions To Ask Yourself

In order to determine whether you need medical attention for your headache, Dr. Shah recommends that you ask yourself a few questions. The answers to these will help you know whether your severe headache is a migraine or just normal head pain.

  • Are your constant migraines interfering with your daily life?
  • Are you planning your daily schedule around your migraines?
  • Is your migraine preventing you from doing things you’ve always wanted to do such as making plans, getting a new job, going back to school?
  • Do you have migraines on average at least once weekly or more?
  • Are your migraines controlling you?
  • Do medications not work to alleviate the migraines?
  • Are you self-medicating all too often?
  • Do your friends & family identify you largely by your headaches?

If you have answered ‘yes’ or any or all of these questions, it’s time to consult one of the best neurologists in Las Vegas. From a statistical viewpoint, migraine symptoms are usually disruptive and painful, but not really dangerous.

Tests Used in Migraine Diagnosis

However, it’s important to keep in view that some of these symptoms could indicate other benign or serious illnesses. When you come to Radar Medical, you are assured of sophisticated, world class medical care. Dr. Shah will conduct a comprehensive physical examination as well as tests such as:  

  • Ultrasounds
  • Allergy Testing
  • EEG, ANS Testing VNG
  • Neuro-Prolotherapy
  • PRP Headache Treatment

Best Neurology Clinic In Las Vegas, NV

Most importantly, we use the most advanced diagnostic tools and provide excellent migraine treatment. Dr. Russell Shah offers non-invasive, safe and effective treatment options that help you manage your migraine condition effectively. The doctor’s diagnostic prowess and the prevention and treatment strategies he recommends, helps patients reduce the frequency and intensity of their headaches.

Radar Medical

Depending on the findings, Dr. Shah will tailor a treatment plan that could be a combination of therapies and treatments such as ultrasound, electrical muscle stimulation, pressure point treatment, massage, hot & cold therapy etc.

He might prescribe some medications that you’d need to take before the onset of the migraine. In addition, he will provide advice on how best to manage your migraine symptoms. This comprehensive approach goes a long way in helping you function normally and carry out your daily activities without too much of a challenge.

For more information about the range of medical services the best local neurologist in Las Vegas, NV offers, call Radar Medical at 702 644 0500 or get in touch through our Contact Us form.

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Very nice and staff very friendly. Dr. Shah was very helpful and pleasant after my car accident.

Trace  R.

Radar Medical

Trace  R.

Very nice and staff very friendly. Dr. Shah was very helpful and pleasant after my car accident.
My visit today 12 13 2017 what's the most awesome experience that I ever had in my whole entire life in regards to medical attention the staff was absolutely professional... From the time I walked in the door to the time I exited it was an awesome experience. Shout out to the doctor. True professional easy to talk 2.very great listener. I truly overwhelmed with joy.

Trent D

Radar Medical

Trent D

My visit today 12 13 2017 what's the most awesome experience that I ever had in my whole entire life in regards to medical attention the staff was absolutely professional... From the time I walked in the door to the time I exited it was an awesome experience. Shout out to the doctor. True professional easy to talk 2.very great listener. I truly overwhelmed with joy.
This is the second app't with Dr. Shah and going in I knew there would be a wait. Why? His Thoroughness. Everything explained, every question answered, time limit off the exam, NONE (that's why the wait)...


Radar Medical


This is the second app't with Dr. Shah and going in I knew there would be a wait. Why? His Thoroughness. Everything explained, every question answered, time limit off the exam, NONE (that's why the wait)...
Russell Shah saved my life would recommend him to anybody. Best neurologist in Las Vegas. A great expert on the human spine and head injuries. Extremely helpful and extremely knowledgeable. After severely injuring myself dr. Shaw was able to get my Healthcare on track. The first couple of doctors I saw didn't run the proper tests. Dr. Shah was able to properly diagnose me and run MRIS. He is great at his job and great with his patients. The staff there is courteous and pleasant


Radar Medical


Russell Shah saved my life would recommend him to anybody. Best neurologist in Las Vegas. A great expert on the human spine and head injuries. Extremely helpful and extremely knowledgeable. After severely injuring myself dr. Shaw was able to get my Healthcare on track. The first couple of doctors I saw didn't run the proper tests. Dr. Shah was able to properly diagnose me and run MRIS. He is great at his job and great with his patients. The staff there is courteous and pleasant
Radar Medical

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